Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Because Britain matters

Here is the latest important message from HOPE not hate:

"We're not going to tell you how to vote we're going to tell you why.

If we sit back and choose not to vote we will let the BNP in through the backdoor. They will win seats in tomorrows election. Britain will be represented by racists. But all this can be stopped by you. A BNP victory would betray all that Britain stands for.

We've made a video featuring Eddie Izzard talking to Ken, a WWII war veteran, and Gisela, who lived in Nazi Germany during the 1930s - people who have had first hand experience of what happens when fascists seize power. I'd like you to watch it and then share it with your friends.

65 years ago brave men and women took to arms to protect us all from the perils of fascism. They gave everything and more to keep the Nazi threat off of British soil.

All you have to do is vote. Each of us has the responsibility to stop the BNP. The best way we can do that is to not only to vote ourselves but to encourage everyone we know to go out and do the same. Every person you get to the polls to vote for any other party makes it harder for the BNP to win a seat. Email your friends now and remind them to vote tomorrow."


Billy Bragg - A New England.

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