Friday, 19 June 2009

Cycle & nature path

At the recent AGM of the Seven Kings & Newbury Park Resident's Association, members were updated on the delayed cycle and nature path for Seven Kings Park and Happy Valley. Our understanding is that funding is in place for this exciting new development, that outstanding legal issues have nearly been resolved and that work on the initiative may recommence shortly.

As a result, we have just written to the local press to say that:

"There is real support among residents for the delayed cycle and nature path for Seven Kings Park and Happy Valley and, given the length of delay, we urge all the agencies involved to ensure that work on this initiative restarts as a matter of urgency.

We also ask that, in contrast to the lack of information that has been provided about the reasons for the delay, local residents are given full information about the initiative and its timescale.

This project will be a positive development for the Seven Kings and Newbury Park areas and residents are impatient to see it realised and to enjoy its benefits."


The Low Anthem - Oh My God, Charlie Darwin.

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