Saturday, 24 January 2009

Peak ecological water

The Times had an article earlier in the week suggesting that world is in danger of running out of 'sustainably managed water'. 'Peak ecological water' is the point where, like the concept of 'peak oil', the world has to confront a natural limit on something once considered virtually infinite.

The article notes that there are concerns that water will increasingly be the cause of violence and even war:

"Dan Smith, the Secretary-General of the British-based peacebuilding organisation International Alert, said: “Water is a basic condition for life. Its availability and quality is fundamental for all societies, especially in relation to agriculture and health. There are places — West Africa today, the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system in Nepal, Bangladesh and India, and Peru within ten years — where major changes in the rivers generate a significant risk of violent conflict. Good water management is part of peacebuilding.”


Violent Femmes - No Killing.

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