Monday, 24 November 2008

TASK Newsletter No. 12

Welcome all to our latest TASK e-newsletter, letting you know what's happening in and around our neighbourhood this November.

TASK meeting

Around 20 supporters got together on the bitterly cold evening of November 21st for our autumn public meeting. The debate was lively and engaging, as ever, and we were especially pleased to welcome a number of new supporters and longer standing supporters attending a meeting for the first time. This newsletter aims to summarise much of our discussion, which took in a wide range of topics including

Ilford Swimming Pool

Tragically, this is now closed for good with only the vaguest commitment for a future leisure development in south Ilford- worryingly still undated and uncosted.

TASK supported the recent protest march in Ilford Town Centre and has also recently discovered that the equipment from the former pool gym is lying unused in the closed down building. We are currently working with local councillors to get a new local gym site opened until firm long- term decisions have been made, salvaging something from a ghastly political mess. We have already made overtures to the agents looking to rent the empty Joker pub- a large space ideally suited for easy conversion to gym use- but are advised that the owner will not even let us view the property so our quest for space goes on. The recent closure of the Ford outlet literally opposite the pool offers another opportunity we shall pursue over the next few weeks. More next time.

Allotment sales

Much better news, with sale plans now seemingly abandoned. The key now is to ensure all local plots are working, an outcome more likely to be achieved in these difficult times, when 'grow your own' becomes a necessity for many affected by the credit crunch and redundancies. If you don't have a plot and would like one for 2009, let us know and we can make contact with the local allotment society for you!

A new library for Seven Kings

Our whopping 2000 signature petition has now been formally submitted to the Council, which still maintains that it does not have the money to develop a new static site in the area, even though funds were made available a year or so ago to open a new library in affluent Clayhall, with no public campaigning required. We continue to press for funds to be released and urge the Council to look at developing something as part of the High Road car/ lorry park development, but are meanwhile working with library managers to develop local mobile library and outreach services.

A library information and coffee morning is now scheduled for the morning of December 10 from 11.00am at St. John's Church and all supporters around are asked to make time to attend and support the cause.

There is also the option of setting up a local reading group, where local readers come together regularly to select books they would all like to read and share their thoughts and experiences. The group could be supported by library staff and all the books selected will be sourced by the library service, so it costs nothing. Nationally, reading groups are all the rage and we think a local group would be a great idea. If you are interested in joining one, or would like to know more, please let us know by emailing Chris at

Seven Kings walkabout

All year we have undertaken regular bi-monthly walkabouts with council staff, designed to clamp down on dumping, graffiti and other highways and cleansing issues. This has seen a significant improvement along the High Road, with additional bin and cleaning services now offered along the 'takeout mile'. The last walkaround of 2008 is scheduled for Friday December 12, starting at 9am outside Seven Kings railway station. All supporters are welcome to join in and we welcome your ideas on suitable locations to cover. Some of the long term benefits of the walkabouts have been more and well positioned litter bins, gum boards, cigarette bins, evening as well as morning shift litter picking along Seven Kings High Road and installation of cameras to capture fly tipping offenders. We also noted a special thanks to Russell Ward who has our vote as the most helpful Council Officer and the one who has made the greatest difference to Seven Kings.

Takeouts - Food Safety Rating

Following a TASK request the Council has provided us with a list of takeouts in Seven Kings alongwith their respective food safety star rating. Star ratings range between 0 and 4, 0 being the worst and 4 the best. Unsurprisingly most takeouts are rated between 0 and 2 but we also have a few with 3 and 4 star ratings. If you would like a copy of this table please contact Ali, We are also asking the Council to introduce restrictions to takeouts near to schools as neighbouring Waltham Forest has introduced.


The Mayor of London has recognised Seven Kings as one of 20 locations across London worthy of funding for tree planting to improve the barren landscape. This should see almost every road in Seven Kings become tree lined in the next couple of years.

Seven Kings station

Major improvements have taken place at the station over the last 6 months, driven by systematic complaints from TASK members. We now have a wonderful station with security staff dealing with troublemakers over the weekend hours. There are further improvements planned such as a better and safer pedestrianised entrance.

Crime and policing

We continue to encourage our local police team to make full use of their speed gun, and are advised that Pembroke Road is especially bad at present.

We also note the re/emergence of large drinking gangs around the station and by the Shannon Centre, and will be demanding rigorous enforcement of the 'no drinking' zone. We are also heartened that the Council is now working to make Seven Kings an 'accumulative impact zone', which recognises the high volume of premises with licenses to sell alcohol and alcohol related crime in the area. We are also seeking to gain more police resource for Seven Kings justified on the high crime levels and wide geographic coverage for the current allocated safer neighbourhood team.

TASK has insisted on better no drink zone area signs and enforcement and we are starting to see this area being better controlled.


TASK now has a presence on mass social networking site Facebook. This offers the best coverage of local issues and we urge all supporters with PCs to sign up as a friend to get all the news fastest. Its easy to use- just go to Facebook and search for TASK.

Getting more involved

We are still less than a year old, and our deeply proud of our achievements as a campaigning group. We have definitely made an impact in terms of the major funding upgrade to the station, local walkabouts and in more general terms, the sense that Seven Kings is on the map and will not continue to tolerate the type of neglect characteristic of the last few years. We do need more help though and in early 2009 will be setting up a small operating group so we can focus our energies even more effectively. Please let us know if you would like to be part of this or if you have specific interest and expertise you can offer. Contact Ali at in the first instance.

Finally, we would like to round up some upcoming activity at the busy St. John's Church, at the junction of St. John's Road and Aldborough Road South.

Lights of Advent: Christmas lights, mulled wine and mince pies in the Church garden from 2.00pm until early evening on Friday 28th November

Christmas Bazaar: Saturday 29th December, 10.30am - 3.00pm. Christmas gifts, Children's toys, Handicrafts, Preserves, Cakes, Plants, Refreshments, Raffle and many other stalls. Visit Santa in his wonderful grotto (digital photo and present included).

Advent Art Installation: Churches in Redbridge have created an Art Installation which will be displayed in six churches, including St John's Seven Kings, throughout the Advent season. The aim is to create a restful space that would enable Christians and non Christians alike to relax and reflect as an alternative to the busyness that the Christmas period brings. The theme of light was chosen as a symbol that crosses faiths and cultures which would therefore would have as wide an appeal as possible. The Installation comprises three panels of mirrored perspex mounted on wooden backing panels with the mirrored surfaces painted to an abstract design using differing textures and densities of paint while leaving unpainted areas forming the shape of a star and the repeated word ‘peace’. A quiet, reflective environment will be created around the installation using music, candles and scatter cushions. One of the key concepts of the artwork is that people will become a part of the installation by viewing themselves in these mirrored surfaces. The Installation will be at St John's in December on: 9th - 10.00 am – 1.00 pm & 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm & 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm; 10th - 10.00 am – 1.00 pm & 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm; 11th - 10.00 am – 1.00 pm & 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm & 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm; and 12th - 10.00 am – 1.00 pm & 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm.

That's enough for now. See you again in December.

Take Action for Seven Kings ("TASK")


Nu Colours - What In The World.

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