Thursday, 20 November 2008

Bishop Pierre calls for prayer for Congo on 23 November

Posted By : Admin ACORelated Categories: Europe ACNS:

Dear colleagues,

As you know, the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo continuesto fester. Much is still underreported. In addition to the crisis in theGoma region, there are two areas of rebel activity in Congo which have not hit the news: the Dungu area, in the north, where the Lord'sResistance Army has attacked villages and abducted adults and children in recent weeks, and also the Gety/Aveba/Nyankunde region, close to Bunia, where a new militia group emerged in late September and displaced many people from their homes. Our Anglican sisters and brothers in those areas have been deeply affected, and are in the forefront of relief efforts and peacemaking.

I am echoing Archbishop Fidèle Dirokpa's call for a day of prayer for peace in the Congo on Sunday 23 November.

You can use the following prayer, if you like, or do your own.

O God of peace and abundant life, You call peacemakers your children.
Let your Holy Spirit guide and govern all those who are making peace in Congo,
and give them success,
So that all your people may have that abundant life promised through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the same Spirit, one God in Holy Trinity. Amen.

Episcopal Relief and Development is sending aid. Please encourage your people to help in any way they can prayer first, but also material help as well. See for information on sending directhelp.

Here is a short documentary on the underlying issues that have led to what is called "The Third World War." Five million have already died ...

Thank you in advance,



Edwin Starr - War.

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