Friday, 14 November 2008

30th Annual Tamil Carol Service

Many years ago, an angel gave us “good news of great joy” announcing the birth of a baby born in a manger and people all over the world continue to celebrate His birth. We invite you to join in this celebration by sharing love, peace and joy with family and friends, at the start of this Christmas season. It gives me great pleasure, to invite you and your loved ones to the 30th. Annual Tamil Carols, which is being held as usual in the 1st weekend in December.

Date: Saturday, 6 December
Time: 6pm (for 6.30pm start)
Venue: St. John’s Church (St. John’s Road, Seven Kings, Ilford).

St. John’s Road is off Aldborough Road South, which is off A12 (Eastern Avenue) and can be reached from A406 or from M25 (Junction 28). Parking is possible near the church. Newbury Park station (Central Line) is the nearest Underground & is walking distance to the church. As usual, every family will be contributing a dish for Dinner (held in the Hall), which will follow the Carol Service.

As a preamble to the Carol Service, the choir (led by Ranjit Solomon Abraham) will render music from 6pm. until 6.30pm. We hope to then start the main service promptly at 6.30pm. to facilitate the smooth running of the programme and also to enable everyone to spend adequate time with each other, after the Service. There will be a choir rehearsal on Friday, 5 December. As you maybe aware, there is a crèche facility (upstairs) for young children, which enables parents with young children, to see and hear the Carol Service from the crèche upstairs. An Offertory will be collected during the service (to cover costs of hiring the hall and other related expenses).

If there is anyone you know, who would also like to attend the Tamil Carols on 6 December, please give them the above information. Hope to see you all at the Annual Tamil Carols on Saturday, 6 December!


Eric Bibb - Spirit I Am.

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