Friday, 31 October 2008

Secularism: a multi-belief debate

Jay Lakhani, one of those who contributed to Ethics in a global economy, has sent the following information about an event discussing 'Secularism' from a multi-belief perspective:

Sunday 7 December 2008 3-5pm - S E C U L A R I S M

Join us to look at the nature and role and place of various forms of secularism within a many and non-faith society:

Following three brief key-note presentations there will be time both for questions and discussion and also opportunity to consider how best to continue to raise the profile of this type of conversation within this more inter faith context.

London Inter Faith Centre has limited car parking space available on a first come first served basis. Nearest Underground - Queens Park on the Bakerloo Line (Zone 2). Nearest Overground - Brondesbury Park on the Silverlink North London Line.

For more information or to reserve a place - 7604 3053 and


Al Green - God Is Standing By.

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