Monday, 22 September 2008

1000+ signatures

This comes from Ali Hai of TASK:

"I am delighted to announce that today we have broken through the 1000 name barrier and achieved our ambitious milestone that we set only 3 weeks ago. This is a wonderful achievement and it is thanks to your support.

In my almost 40 years as a resident of Redbridge and Seven Kings such demand for a library is unprecedented. Putting this into perspective, only a couple of months ago, Redbridge Council undertook a Big Conversation with the whole of Redbridge. For this they received less than 4000 written names having spent over £50,000 in advertising and marketing and with its army of resources. To have achieved 1000+ names in a small part of Redbridge and with no resources is a magnificent achievement and shows the depth of feeling in Seven Kings to have a comprehensive library service, that the rest of the borough enjoys without having to demand it.

In the last 3 weeks we have seen 100% support from every person that was approached and without fail each person has been passionate and excited at the thought of a library within walking distance of their home, office, shop, school, surgery or place of worship. Many remember the good old days when Seven Kings had a library (now the Ilford Prep School, which was sold by the Council in 1992). The petition campaign has also shown that our area can be a wonderful neighbourhood as the hundreds of people we have met in the last 3 weeks have been some of the friendliest and most caring people you would wish to meet. We have a thriving community that is ready to get behind to change Seven Kings for the better.

The library petition will be presented to Redbridge Council's leadership at Ilford Town Hall on Monday 6 October at 7pm and all are welcome to attend.Please continue collecting more names for the petition until the Friday before the Council meeting ie 3 October (please let me know and I would be happy to come to collect) to send the clearest and loudest possible message to Redbridge Council that the people of Seven Kings (including parts of neighbouring Newbury Park) demand a static library in Seven Kings today."

Subsequent to this message comes an additional one putting the petition total at 1,250.


Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Morning of Our Lives.

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