Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Yet another Dave Walker

A legal threat has been made against cartoonist Dave Walker by Mark Brewer to force him to take down his reporting and comment about the SPCK bookshop chain’s takeover and management by the Society of Saint Stephen the Great (SSG). As Matt Wardman has pointed out this is about the right to discuss the issue in public and not have anyone try and close down debate by having (or claiming to have) access to a legal sanction that prevents freedom of speech.

Who's Posted about Mark Brewer's Cease and Desist Notice to Dave Walker

  1. St Aidan to Abbey Manor - David Keen - Vicar (Yeovil)

  2. The Wardman Wire - Matt Wardman (audio of BBC interview from 12/2007)

  3. Gentle Wisdom - Peter Kirk

  4. Bishop Alan's Blog - Alan Wilson, Area Bishop of Buckingham

  5. Blogula-Rasa - Ginny (detailed - worth a read)

  6. Metacatholic - Doug Chaplin - Vicar (West Midlands)

  7. Of course, I could be wrong - Madpriest - Priest (somewhere in England)

  8. Seven whole days - Scott Gunn - Parish Priest (Rhode Island) and Lambeth Conference.

  9. Thinking Anglicans - Simon Kershaw - Cambridge, England (likely to follow further press coverage)

  10. The Jewish Blog Network - How to recover deleted pages. Firefox Resurrect Pages add-on.

  11. Lingamish - Blogger Bludgeoned by Bozos - David Ker - Mozambique. Kudos for the cartoon above.

  12. [Update: 23/07/2008] SPCK Watch - Gagging attempts by Mark Brewer - SPCK Watch. (Somewhere in Europe). Whole blog devoted to SPCK saga.

  13. [Update: 23/07/2008] Elizaphanian - We are all Dave Walkers now - Sam Norton, Rector of West Mersea, Essex.
    Suggests that we reposts Dave's ex-posts from Google cache.

  14. [Update: 23/07/2008]Mad Hare - Solidarity post - SPCK/SSG and Dave Walker (New Mexico : United States).

Any more for any more?

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan, Matt has now updated the list to include our posts.

    Thanks for the heads up on Spyboy, really enjoying it and the band are excellent. I hadn't heard Emmylou's version of The Maker though I had Lanois' original from when he released Acadia back in the 80's!
