Monday, 7 July 2008

Welcomes & a farewell

Rt. Revd. Isingoma (Bishop of Boga, Democratic Republic of Congo), Revd. Geoff Eze (Curate, St John's Seven Kings), Mme Mugisa Isingoma (Bishop's wife) at St John's Seven Kings

July, for St John's, will be a time for several welcomes and a farewell. The welcomes began at our International Evening on Saturday 5th July when we had the opportunity to welcome Geoff Eze, our new curate into the Parish. Geoff was ordained as a deacon the previous Sunday and had already spent his first week in the Parish by the time of the International Evening, but for most of us that evening was our first opportunity to welcome him.

Also at the International Evening were Bishop and Mrs Isingoma from the Diocese of Boga in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are currently visiting our Parish, prior to attending the Lambeth Conference. Bishop Isingoma preached at the 10am service on Sunday 6th July and Mrs Isingoma will speak at a special Mothers’ Union meeting on this evening. We have been looking forward greatly to their visit as it gives us another opportunity to renew our support for the work of Judy Acheson and Agape in Boga.

Next Sunday St John's will welcome Father Ben Rutt-Field from St Paul’s Goodmayes, as he and I will swap churches for that morning and lead each other’s services. As part of the Deanery Vision, neighbouring parishes are being encouraged to look for ways of working together. Father Ben and I are initiating that process for St Paul’s and St John’s by visiting each others churches. In the autumn we hope to take this further by getting our respective Mission committees together to share ideas on ways of working together.

The farewell is to Linda McMurray, the Minister of Seven Kings Methodist, who helped in the leading of the Lent courses held at St John’s this year. Linda and her husband Nigel are moving to Newcastle and Linda’s leaving service will be held on Sunday 20th July from 3pm at Seven Kings Methodist. I have greatly valued Linda’s friendship and prayers together with the opportunity to work ecumenically with her, both here and in Barking.

Our Holiday Club (10.00am – 12.30pm, 29th July to 1st August) will this year be called ‘Champions Challenge’ and will include the usual blend of songs, drama, crafts and games. This year there will also be a Community BBQ (12noon – 2pm, Saturday 2nd August) to which everyone is invited and the Holiday Club service will round the week off at 10am on Sunday 3rd August. After all that we will no doubt collapse in a heap having had a lot of fun and having shared Jesus with those around.


Delirious? - Inside Outside.

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