Saturday, 19 July 2008

Inter-faith framework

This comes from FaithAction's newsletter:

Next Monday, the Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP will launch the Inter-faith framework at Central Hall in Westminster.

Hazel Blears, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, plans to develop a framework for inter-faith dialogue and social action that will become an intrinsic part of the way that public authorities work with communities. This follows the Prime Minister stating that he would like to see stronger inter faith dialogue where people find the common ground that exists between different religions and communities in the UK and the creation of local inter faith councils in every community.

The launch comes as a result of the Communities and Local Government consultation ‘“Face-to-Face and Side-by-Side”: A Framework for inter-faith dialogue and social action’. This report states that inter faith dialogue and social action can help to build positive relationships and break down barriers between people from different backgrounds, and that faith communities clearly have a valuable role to play as part of wider efforts to build cohesion and resilience within communities to extremism in all its forms.

The aim of the government is to enable faith communities to interact in two ways, Side by Side and Face to Face. The government defines them as follows:
  • Face to face – Where the faith communities have a dialogue regarding their communities and values.
  • Side by Side – where different faith communities can work together to deal with community change and extremism.

Holmes Brothers - I Saw The Light.

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