Thursday, 17 July 2008

Faith & Image

Last night, together with Henry Shelton, I met up with Mark Lewis, Chair of the Faith & Image group based at St Mary's Woodford. In his day job, Mark is Programme Leader in Teaching & Learning / Silversmithing & Jewellery at the Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media and Design, London Metropolitan University.

Mark explained that FAIM is a forum for all who are interested in art and spirituality. The group is both ecumenical and inter-faith, and seeks to gain insight and understanding from all art forms, all traditions and cultures. Mark has written that Thomas Aquinas' saying, 'Man cannot understand without image,' has become "a dictum for twenty-first century culture." "We live," he writes:

"in an age where the visual is central to the way our world functions at every level. Images do indeed provide understanding and cut across cultural boundaries, saying things that words never can."

FAIM has had a fascinating programme of artist/audiovisual presentations, lectures and visits, in addition to publishing a journal. The group is currently reviewing its future programme and approach but its next event will be a guided visit to the National Gallery.

Henry and I outlined our plans for creating a Christian Art Society to encourage the commissioning and placing of contemporary Christian Art in churches, as a means of fundraising for charities. We also spoke about the Advent Art project initiated by John Brown plus the art exhibition and workshop to be held during the St John's Patronal Festival. We agreed to liaise and share ideas on events and activities for FAIM and the Art Society.

From the discussions and meetings that Henry and I have had in the Barking Episcopal Area to do with contemporary Christian Art, there seems to be a coming together of people and groups which could result in some very creative initiatives in the future. So, watch this space!


Emmylou Harris - The Maker.

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