Monday, 30 June 2008

Advent Art project (2)

The project's planning group have decided on a piece comprising of three 6 x 4' panels of mirrored perspex mounted on wooden backing panels. These will be painted in an abstract design using differing textures and densities of paint to create an effect suggesting a night sky. An unpainted area in the upper right of the third panel (from left to right) will form a star shape. In the bottom left of the first panel will be some silk screened text (possibly the word 'light' in different languages). A line will connect the text with the star.

To complement the creation and display of this piece we plan to organise a Barking Programme session on abstract art and spirituality with a session on the theory of modern art, a look at different styles of abstract art (Rothko, Pollock etc.) and then a time for creating some art either as a joint project or individually. It is likely that this will take place in the context of the Patronal Festival Art exhibition at St John's.


Don McLean - Vincent.

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