Wednesday, 7 May 2008

TASK Newsletter No. 8

The TASK e-newsletter is back after a few weeks out for the protracted Easter school holidays, and as ever, there is a deal to report.

United 'save our Ilford pool' campaign is launched: TASK sign up as key supporters

With closedown pencilled in for December, and with no firm commitment or planning in place for any rebuilding of a replacement pool, concern grows that this could be yet another disappearing local service in the south of the borough if we do not act now. Accordingly, a coalition has just been formed linking professional swimming interest groups like the Redbridge Swimmers Association, schoolusers and more general campaign groups like us. The aim is to inform the wider public of the risks, influence the planning of, and timeline for, the new pool and maybe look at extending the existing pool's life until money is found to guarantee a new one, thus avoiding both the loss of a crucial amenity and the potential for hideous overload at the borough's single other pool at Barkingside. A petition is now doing the rounds and as ever, we ask supporters to sign up and then share it with friends and family. We will post a return date in our next newsletter.

Also, we are looking for volunteers to take an active role in this new united pool campaign. Please identify yourself to Chris in the firstinstance - if you have email or by post at 31Bradford Road if not - and he will put you in touch.

Streetscene walkabout: gruesome health centre shocker!

April 25 saw our latest local streetscene walk, when TASK supporters join council officials on a 'show and tell' trek around some of the area's various trouble spots, identifying action required around dumping,graffiti and other streetscene violations. Everyone involved noted the evident general improvements along the High Road, focusing our attention this time on the area around the Seven Kings Health Centre and the High Road itself, which we think now invites similar urgent action. The steps area by the health centre presented itself as the most obvious candidate for our attention, with clear signs of dumping, graffiti and general dereliction in a locale used by many locals as a cut-through to nearby residential streets. Officers will be taking up the issue in the first instance with management staff at the health centre, who are ultimately responsible for the upkeep of this facility. The hope is that by taking concentrated action now, the next streetscene walk in June will show marked and permanent improvement. Watch this space.

Clean up extra

On a related theme, Peggy sends us a link from a feature seen on a recent BBC TV 'The One Show" - We could do this! Who is interested?
Library campaign: now back up and running after local elections

Over the last few months, we have been collecting names for our 'bring a library back to Seven Kings' petition, which we had hoped to present to full Council. This action has been delayed by the recent Mayoral and Greater London Assembly Elections, which have seen councillors fully engaged in doorstep campaigning. Now the election is over we will be talking to them about best approaches to progress this. A report back on the Library issue also comes to Area Committee 5 in June. See our next newsletter for more details.

Station improvements: new windows now installed

The ongoing programme of station improvement continues, and eagle eyed commuters will have noticed the installation of smart new upper walkway windows behind the builders hoardings. Flower beds have also been turned over for planting, with the full schedule of works due to be completed by the time the schools break for the summer. All the work has been prompted by sustained local efforts to getoperator 'national express' to recognise the years of neglect that have seen Seven Kings decline from an award-winning station in the 1960s to its current sorry state. Special thanks are due to Ali for all his hardwork.

Leafleting: give us an hour

Our next regular leaflet drop is on Sunday 11 May at 1400, starting outside Seven Kings station. If you can offer an hour, that will hopefully allow us to complete leafleting each and every road locally. Please let us know if you can attend so we can gauge numbers of leaflets required. If you'd like to help us leaflet but cannot do Sunday, then please let us know and we can drop you off materials to do your own road at a time of your choice.

Meads Lane post office: its going to close!

Some truly sad news as we go to press. The consultation exercise is now over and there is no reprieve for David Shah and the team at the local post office, which will now close unless the borough steps in. More next time.

That's it for now. We will be back during week beginning 19 May with more news and local stories, including an update on the lorry park development.


Vigilantes of Love - Resplendent.

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