Friday, 4 April 2008

Rogation Sunday / Industrial Sunday / MiLE Sunday

Sunday April 27th is known in some Christian traditions as Rogation Sunday when prayers are said for the planting of the crops in preparation for Harvest. More recently it has been called Industrial Sunday when the focus has been on all those in any kind of work, paid or unpaid, and those seeking work. This is an opportunity to offer to God our daily work of all kinds.

Mission in London's Economy has prepared Readings, Hymns, Prayers, Brief Issue Papers for use in worship on Rogation Sunday or at any time of the year. As well as worship material there are brief papers on some of the issues that are affecting the economy of our city.

Due to our having to wait on copyright consent from two or three publishers, we hope the material will be on the website at least two to three weeks before Rogation Sunday. The MiLE website address is, and our email address is - we will respond to any queries you may have, as speedily as possible.

Mission in London’s Economy is an independent, ecumenical and London wide organisation. This material has been drawn up by one of its groups whose task is to educate the churches in issues facing London’ economy so that we might respond appropriately.


The Staple Singers - When Will We Be Paid?

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