Friday, 4 April 2008

BNP targetting May elections

Just received the following from Unite:

The BNP is targeting the May elections. The BNP could get elected to the London Assembly as they require only 5% of the vote. In the previous London elections the BNP polled 4.9%.

Once again the BNP were exposed this week. Nick Eriksen, the second candidate on the BNP list, has withdrawn his candidacy after he was exposed for writing sexist, racist and offensive comments on a blog in which he uses the name "Sir John Bull". Eriksen was also a former Conservative councillor in Southwark. Here are some quotes from this blog:
  • In one post ('RAPE: LIES, LIES, LIES', 24th August 2005), Eriksen says: "I've never really understood why so many men have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the feminazi myth machine into believing that rape is such a serious crime."
  • "..the South Africans will never stage a proper World Cup, how could they? It's a black country."
  • "What a ridiculous fuss was made about the so-called 'monkey noises' directed against the English football team's black players by Spanish supporters recently." (Right Now! December 2004-January 2005).
Every leaflet, every event and activity made a difference and helped stop the BNP in London last time. The majority of Londoners are anti-racist and anti-fascist. The majority must make their voice heard.

The Style Council - Walls Come Tumbling Down.

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