Friday, 25 April 2008

Bishop says "Vote for ONE human race on 1st May"

The following is a statement which the Bishop of Barking is issuing for use in his Episcopal Area (and beyond) requesting that it be read out in churches this Sunday. Please feel free to pass it to ecumenical colleagues.

Bishop says "Vote for ONE human race on 1st May"

The Bishop of Barking is urging all church members and people of goodwill to vote on 1st May in the London and local authority elections. The Right Reverend David Hawkins says "It is a Christian duty to vote, not least in these elections where as little as 5% for the British National Party could give the BNP a seat on the London Assembly. Whoever else we vote for we must stop racist politics making gains in London and elsewhere."

The BNP has 47 local councillors across the country, including 12 in Barking and Dagenham and 6 in Epping Forest District. The Bishop has been working with churches and others across London (and Essex) to respond to the BNP. A joint paper between the Bishop and the Churches Racial Justice Network articulates a strong and informed response to racist politics, "based on the Christian belief that all people are created as ONE race, the human race."

Clergy across London have joined the Bishop in urging Londoners not to vote BNP in the coming elections. Revd Stephen Sichel is Vicar of St Matthew’s Brixton. He voted for a motion on racist political parties in the Diocese of Southwark’s Synod which mandated all churches "to ensure respect for all citizens is part of the contribution made by churches to local dialogue".

The BNP constitution states that it "stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration".

Parish priests in Bethnal Green, Walthamstow, Ilford, Hackney, Islington and elsewhere have also supported the Bishop’s call for people to vote for ONE human race. Fr Alan Green Vicar of St John’s Bethnal Green said “I rejoice in the rich cultural diversity of our community. I hope people of faith will vote for those who are committed to London remaining a city where many cultures work together for the common good.”

Other church leaders across the UK have also been urging the faithful to vote for parties which are not racist. In Birmingham, church and other faith leaders are on record for having said "voting for or supporting a political party that offers racist policies is like spitting in the face of God".

“Each vote for the BNP," says the Bishop of Barking, "will put into reverse the patient, strategic work of healthy, race relations and social integration that is developing in our London Boroughs, Essex and else where in the country. We are members of one human race. We must vote for it the ballot box on 1st May.


For enquiries about the Bishop's Response Group to the BNP"contact: Fr Steven Saxby – 020 8520 3854;


Love Music Hate Racism - concert visuals.

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