Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Review of 'Christians in the Workplace'

Paul Trathen sent me this helpful review of the Christians in the Workplace resource pack that we have both had a hand in preparing. The review comes from the national newsletter/gazette that Joanna Cox produces for Adult Educators etc in Church of England Dioceses around the country:

"A resource pack Christians in the Workplace - see http://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/CITW.html for more details, and how to get hold of it. The pack includes leaders' notes and resources, outline suggestions for different ways in which the material might be used, handouts for participants and a CD-Rom contain course material. Experienced group leaders committed to the topic will find this a fascinating and stimulating mine of ideas / resources / references. It's not really material to hand 'cold' to everyone to use straight, and I suspect that others unfamiliar with the issues or with adult education group practice could struggle (Chelmsford are offering leader training /familiarisation within the diocese, which sounds useful). My sense is that this would be likely to be valued most by a group wanting some serious thoughtful engagement, who would rejoice in something that manages to avoid being patronising."


King's X - Shot of Love.

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