Tuesday, 12 February 2008

TASK Newsletter No. 3

Welcome to our third TASK email newsletter, which aims to introduce new and continuing supporters to some of the headlines about what we are doing in and around the area.

Lorry park

We have made direct contact with Swan Housing, who are the successful bidders for the controversial High Road car/lorry park development site, to find out more about their plans, especially around the quality of the build and planned community services. Chris recently met up with them locally - along with Audrey Shorer from the local Seven Kings and Newbury Park Residents Association - and can advise that they plan to design and develop the site themselves, using mixed housing arrangements, to include rental, shared ownership and sales. They also seem genuinely keen to consult local residents and traders on the non-housing aspects of the scheme; and ideas discussed included quite literally pitching a big tent on the lorry park itself, allowing for maximum local access, involvement and conversation. We very much liked this simple yet effective notion, and filled them in on the various bits of community consultation over the years, all of which signalled strong preferences for community use, including a new library. They were at pains to point out that they are a business with a clear social purpose, and are not the kind of commercial developer to build and run, so lets hope we can all keep talking and that they listen closely to local voices. Keep reading the newsletters. Our sense is that this one will run and run.

Traders for TASK

Doug has done great work over the last few weeks talking to our local traders and businesses about our new group. A number have signed up as supporters and others have generously made contributions to us, totally around £275. Thanks to all those who donated, who we will list in our next newsletter. We also will photograph their shop fronts for a new section of our website (http://www.task7.co.uk/) called 'traders back TASK'. This generosity has allowed for the printing of leaflets for door to door delivery. We used local business Nickel Press to do the printing.

Door to door leaflet drops

A few of us set off last weekend to deliver leaflets in the area around Aldborough Road South, and were blessed with a gorgeous sunny winter afternoon. It is something we plan to do regularly until we cover the whole area so please let us know if you can help. Even delivering to your own street would help us cover the whole of Seven Kings much more quickly. All offers to Chris please. Thanks to Ali, Tyler, Fran, Peggy for their time and effort this time.

TASK public meeting

We now have a date for our first ever open meeting on Thursday March 6 from 7.30- 8,30pm. The venue is St. John's Church, on St John's Road. This will allow for us all to meet up, celebrate some of the successes since we were formed on January 1st and hear your ideas on what matters to you and what we might do next. We plan a really friendly and informal gathering, with a warm welcome guaranteed to all, so please make every effort to come along and get involved.

Seven Kings new library campaign

A desire for a new local library has united the whole community since the beautiful old Carnegie Library was cruelly closed down and sold off in the mid -1990s. Our recent discovery, using a freedom of information request, that the new Clayhall library was opened with no discernable public demand, has prompted us to make our case loud and clear on the basis that if another more affluent area can get a new service like this without even asking, it should be possible for us to do likewise, especially since we have strong support and an obvious social need.We also discover that Seven Kings and Newbury Park are now the only major areas of population in the borough without a static library within a one mile distance.We will be launching our petition for a new library on Thursday 14 February, Valentine's Day, and will circulating it to local shops, schools and faith groups as well as all our supporters in a bid to generate the maximum number of signatures over the next few weeks.

Timber: Outraged residents stop Saturday morning tree felling

We don't have that many trees in Seven Kings anyway, which is why any attempt to cut down what we still have invites a strong response. Attempts to cut down mature trees on private land between properties on Aldborough Road South and Durban Road were recently suspended after residents intervened, with a referral of the site - adjacent to the British Legion premises - to Natural England for a full environmental assessment on the basis that protected species like badgers and bats might live there. This offers a much needed temporary stay of execution, and we will keep you posted on what the assessment reveals.

Swimming pool

Following media coverage suggesting that Ilford Pool may close at Christmas 2008, Paul has contacted cabinet Member for Leisure, Cllr Barden, for clarification on what is happening. His senior Council officer Iain Varah advises that the borough has planning permission to build a leisure centre with a 50m pool at Cricklefields behind the existing complex but that apparently "the scheme is on hold while the Council identifies possible options to fund the complex". Iain Varah goes on to say that "the Council will be consulting the local Community over the priorities for our future spending and how we can raise the money to fund the communities priorities". From this, it does seem that there is a real risk we could lose our existing pool without any specific commitment to, or guarantee of, a new one. All of which suggests a really very poor deal for the area. We will be following this up with officers.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading and do please fee free to share the content with family and friends. We are very keen to spread the word about TASK and our various activities. Our next email newsletter will be out w/b 25 February. Please send all copy to chrisconnelley@ntlworld.com.


Sex Pistols - Holidays In The Sun.

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