Thursday, 14 February 2008

A new way in

The idea for the Hertford stns project came through discussion with local artists following a talk given by Revd. Alan Stewart, Priest-in-Charge of St Andrew's Hertford: “The idea came from a conversation I had with a couple of local artists after a talk I gave called 'Icons or Eyesores'. The theme of the talk was how we might use contemporary art as a window into the divine; taking often controversial pieces of art, using them to interpret the signs of the times and often investing them with new meaning. We were chatting about how Christians might tell our story through art. I've always loved the Stations of the Cross and am in the middle of completing my own personal set. Rachel Doragh, one of the artists, mentioned that she had seen a public stations of the cross in New Zealand, and the idea just grew from there.”

As part of preparing an article about the project I asked Rachel how she got involved?

I have seen a similar stations project in Auckland, NZ. I thought that was excellent and very moving, so when I found people in Hertford who were interested in the concept I was keen to discuss it further and be part of helping to get it off the ground.

Why did you want to get involved in this project?

The concept of using an ancient tradition of the church and reinterpreting it for today, taking it outside of the church and having it interact with contemporary culture is in my mind a very exciting interaction. I like the idea of bringing something deep and spiritual and intensely meaningful and re-presenting it in a way that will open up all that is in it to a new audience or bring a new way of seeing to an existing audience.

What impact do you hope the project will have?

There will be a range of different artistic styles and interpretations of the various stations but I hope for those who see them that there is at least one that touches something within them, that brings something new and alive. I'd hope that people who see them could walk away changed in some way even if it's just that a new channel of thought has been opened up. The artworks will be spread throughout the town and I'd like to see it be something that Hertford can be proud of and that it can bring people together.

What do you think is the attraction of the Stations of the Cross for artists and for worshippers?

I think that the public nature of the stations project expands the concept of 'worshippers' and that in itself is an attraction. It's also challenging a narrow view of worship - taking it outside of any one traditional worship space, into other churches and public spaces. But I think there is a lot on offer to those who take this challenge - a new way into something enduring, not a new concept but a fresh look at it and hopefully a look at it that will lead people into worship.
As an artist it is great to be given the opportunity and privilege to explore the themes of the stations and to be able to express myself in worship through the creation of an artwork. Just as God is the creator and we are created in his image, being creative is, for me, part of being who I am created to be. Being able to contribute to this project allows me to pull together my exploration of faith and an attempt to live and understand that in today's world.
For more information on Hertford stns go to the website for Hertford & District Churches Together and click on 'Events'.
Buddy Miller - New song (untitled).

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