Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Rejuvenate Worldwide! January 08 Newsletter

Happy New Year, welcome to Rejuvenate Worldwide! We hope this first newsletter 0f 2008 finds you well. We are happy to have you as a friend and member of our community. Whether you're a supporter or someone who has been involved in our work, we would like to keep you up to date with our work and expeditions.

Andi Thomas - Rejuvenate Coordinator

Latest News

Mission Uganda 2008

Applications for the Summer and Autumn expeditions to Uganda and South America are now open, application forms can be downloaded from the website. Places are limited so apply early to avoid disappointment!

Experience Uganda on our 2 week international programme. "An 'African' experience of a lifetime to a beautiful and diverse country, a personal guide to meet the friendliest people, to work and make a lasting difference to local people and so much more.

Our international programme is an ideal opportunity to see the real Africa, meet and work with local Ugandan's, make new friends and have your outlook on life changed.

Applications are welcome for both expeditions, Spaces are limited so apply early, alternatively if you have any questions contact the team on 0121-327-3299 or email info@rejuvenateworldwide.org.uk to be sent more information or visit the latest news page on the website.

Salem Brotherhood

RJW has been working with Salem Brotherhood since 1997, providing assistance for the construction of buildings, sponsorship of children, medical provision and educational material.
Below is a brief update on some of the work Salem is doing.

Salem's work in helping orphaned and vulnerable children in need continues to be heavily oversubscribed in relation to the resources available.

Children and Babies Home

A year ago we had received several new born babies into our care, one year on they are now all mobile and our house parents are kept very active in running around after them! One big miracle is Nairuba, who struggled for life after being born. This on account of neonatal tetanus contracted after being delivered in a dirty hut. Her mother did not survive the ordeal of giving birth to her and Salem will care for Nairuba until she is strong enough to join her relatives in the village. Up to 40 children and 10 babies are given loving care and support at any one time, yet funds received are not sufficient to meet all costs. Your help is still needed to improve this situation and to bring our sanitary and drainage arrangements up to standard. With your help, we will continue with these improvements during 2008.

Salem continues to do a fantastic job despite the lack of funding and other major resources. Throughout 2008, RJW continues to support the work they do. To find out how you can get involved visit the website.

We need your support, get involved!

Rejuvenate Worldwide is solely run by volunteers and we rely on the generosity of people like you to keep the charity running. You can support the charity as an individual or a group by praying or giving financially, getting involved in our events our organising one yourself. We would also love to come and share with you about our work by giving a presentation. For 2008 we are looking for people to get involved in:

  • Asics British London’s 10k run - Sunday 6th July 2008 (London)

  • BUPA Great North - Sunday 5th October 2008 (Newcastle)

  • BUPA Great South Run - Sunday 26th October 2008 (Portsmouth)

  • Great Midlands Fun Run - Sunday 1st June 2008 (Birmingham)

  • Golf Tournament - Date to be announced!

  • London to Paris Cycle - Date to be announced!

  • International Pudding evening and fundraiser - Date to be announced!

Or, maybe you have an event of your own! Is that you, are you up for the challenge, contact the team for application forms.

For a detailed fundraising information pack contact us!


Lone Justice - Shelter.

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