Saturday, 19 January 2008

A model for mission & social engagement

Malcolm Brown, the Church of England's Director of Mission and Public Affairs, gave an excellent presentation at today's There's something going on conference.

At the heart of his presentation was a triangle of church, world and God's kingdom and the sociological (church and world), ecclesiological (church and God's kingdom) and theological (world and God's kingdom) gaps between them.

The strength of this model is that church, world and God's kingdom are all factors in a full understanding of mission and social engagement but that each is different from and an influence on the other. Addressing the gaps between each involves us in mission and social engagement that seeks to enable the church to be a community reflecting God's kingdom and recognise the work of God already going on within the world.

Using this model in discussion at the conference it was not difficult to quickly think of actions, initiatives and projects that seek to address each of the three gaps; an indication that the model has practical and not just theorectical implications.


Carleen Anderson - Leopards in the Temple.

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