Monday, 21 January 2008

Justice & Social Responsibility

Last Friday I met up with Phil Butcher, Director of the Commission for Justice & Social Responsibility in the Diocese of Brentwood. The Commission aims to promote and coordinate work in the areas of Justice & Peace; One World; Marriage & Family Life; and Pastoral Care, providing help, guidance and advice to Parishes and individuals. They work to encourage and facilitate the formation of CJSR groups in every Parish and build a network of specialist teams both within the Diocese and other agencies.

Given the tentative nature of the discussions at Saturday's There's something going on conference about the need for a central Social Responsibility post in the Diocese of Chelmsford, it seems as though the Diocese of Brentwood is light years ahead in terms of its approach to social responsibility. In the Diocese of Chelmsford we need to take the bull by the horns and put some resource into providing support for the excellent and varied social responsibility work that is happening in areas, deaneries and parishes.


The Staple Singers - When Will We Be Paid?


  1. I couldn't agree more!

    I regret, though, that for me to have said so at our Saturday gathering would have sounded - to some! - as possible nest-feathering, so I resisted saying the bloody obvious!

    BTW, might you be able to arrange introductions for me with Phil Butcher? We have not yet met, and this is clearly a great omission.

  2. No problem. I'll get on to Phil and hopefully get you two linked up.
