Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Hertford Stations of the Cross

Information about the Hertford Stations of the Cross project is now available on the website for Hertford & District Churches Together under 'Events'.

I'm close to completing an initial draft of meditations which will accompany the artworks when they are displayed around Hertford during Holy Week. Here are two of the meditations as they currently stand:

Station 1 - Jesus is condemned (based on Christ before the Judge by Cecil Collins)

Jesus and Pilate
in a clash of cultures.
Pilate is
angular, aggressive, threatening
the oppressive, controlling
Empire of dominating power,
with its strength in numbers
and weaponry,
which can crucify
but cannot
set free.
Jesus is
curves and crosses,
love and sacrifice,
the kingdom of God;
a kingdom of love,
service and self-sacrifice
birthing men and women
into the freedom
to love one another.
The way of compassion
or the way of domination;
the way of self-sacrifice
or the way of self;
the way of powerlessness
or the way of power;
the way of serving
or the way of grasping;
the kingdom of God
or the empires of Man.

Station 10 - Jesus is stripped

Stripped of equality with God.
Stripped of glory.
Stripped of power.
Stripped of family.
Stripped of occupation.
Stripped of possessions.
Stripped of followers.
Stripped of respect.
Stripped of clothing.
Stripped naked.
Stripped raw.
Stripped to the bone.
Becoming nothing,
no one,


The Call - Everywhere I Go.

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