Thursday, 6 December 2007

The livesimply challenge

The livesimply challenge was issued at St John's Advent lunch last Sunday:

God calls us to look hard at our lifestyles and to choose to life simply, sustainably and in solidarity with people who are poor. In this way we can help create a world in which human dignity is respected and everyone can reach their full potential. This would be true progress, worth much more than economic growth alone.

Take the livesimply challenge: reflecting on the challenge and your response. Take your time answering these questions for yourself. Try one or two at a time and come back to the questions when you are ready. These are suggestions for personal reflection, so there are no 'correct' answers!

1. What is good about my life at the moment? What do I enjoy most?

2. Which areas of my life would I like to change?

3. What do I spend most of my time doing? Is this the right priority for me at the moment?

4. What do I spend most of my money on? Is this the right priority for me at the moment?

5. How did I decide my priorities when thinking about questions 3 and 4? Is my faith part of my decision making?

6. Have I got too much of anything? Or just enough? How do I decide how much is enough?

7. If I decided to live more simply, would I be in a position to share more of what I have? Is there one thing I could share more of - money, time, skills, resources?

8. Am I living sustainably? Will future generations be pleased about the way I took care of the earth? How much of the world's resources am I using every day (e.g. car, heating, water, flights)? How much of that is essential?

9. What sort of person would I be if I reached the full human potential God wants for me? Would I like to become that person? If so, what steps should I take?

10. What sort of world do I want to live in and to help create?

11. To help create that world what changes am I ready to make to my life? Are these changes different from the ones I listed in answer to question 2? What changes do I really want?

A prayer of love

Love incarnate - You changed our world forever. You dwelt with the poor and raised the humble high.

Love come in - Change our hearts this Christmas. Challenge our consumerism and fill us with Your love.

Love reach out - Change our world forever. Bring life to the poor and freedom to the oppressed.

In Your precious name, Jesus. Amen.


The Neville Brothers - Bird on a Wire.

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