Monday, 26 November 2007

Workplace Gospel reflections

From the beginning of Advent the website for Mission in London's Economy (MiLE) will have a weekly reflection on the Sunday Gospel reading read in many churches which use the Common Lectionary. The reflection will be written from a work perspective and will be particularly suitable for a Monday morning following the weekend.

MiLE was started in 2005 as an independent ecumenical Christian organisation covering the 32 London Boroughs and the City of London.

It has set itself the following objectives:

1. To co-ordinate the churches’ interventions in discussion of London’s economy.

2. To respond on behalf of the churches to consultation exercises on London’s economy.

3. To support workplace chaplains ministering within London’s economy.

4. To support Christians working in the institutions of London’s economy.

5. To educate churches in the issues facing London’s economy so that they might be able to respond appropriately.

6. To work with other faith communities in order to create co-ordinated faith community responses to the issues facing London’s economy.

Practitioner Groups have been set up to further these objectives, the first two being covered by a single group.

MiLE was conscious right from the very beginning that their website was an essential tool in resourcing individuals Christians seeking to relate Christian faith to daily work, as well as making contact with other groups and organisations with a particular interest in this area, and of course with the churches. Their weekly Gospel reflections are the latest initiative to develop their website in this way. They would be very pleased to receive responses ( on how the weekly reflections could be improved in the future.


Morrissey - Every Day Is Like Sunday.

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