Thursday, 4 October 2007

Public Art project - Day 4

Painting 'Holy Ground'

I AM Love

Day 4 comments:

  • It's different to what I expected
  • You've covered up the bit at the back that I like
  • It's good to see something that's tired transformed by someone's ideas into a nice, exciting version of itself
  • This is a nice thing that you have made because I like the pictures - Dominic, age 7
  • Very good to express your feelings in art. To show your emotions in what you feel about movement and passion. And you might as well enjoy it. Good idea - Chelsea, age 9
  • Good - Cameron and Dominic

Day 4 activities:

This morning seemed slow. I was finishing off First the seed must die ... and The Wheat and the Tares while painting the base coats for Holy Ground and I AM Love. Only a couple of playgroup parents stopped to chat and only a couple of comments were recorded. Jean and Margaret were again stalwarts providing tea and conversation. I also arranged for the Ilford Recorder's photographer to come tomorrow to take their 'after' photo of the cabinet.

This evening by contrast was manic. Rodney and I had planned to begin hanging the exhibition this evening but had set aside tomorrow for the bulk of the hang. At short notice, Rodney has bewen told that he has to work tomorrow so he had to work flat out on the exhibition hang tonight while I finished work on the cabinet and rehearsed Evensong with the choir. Rodney managed to hang all the works that are going into Church leaving me to hang the works in the Church lounge tomorrow. I managed to complete Holy Ground and I AM Love while having photos taken that may appear in the Church Times and then help Rodney complete the hang in Church.

Holy Ground has two trees reaching up towards a huge sun, which mirrors that on the rear of the cabinet's mirror. I AM Love has the eye of God crying a tear of blood over a solitary human figure.


Check out Neal Morse's Somber Days.

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