Thursday, 18 October 2007

Engaging with faith communities

I spoke to the West Barnet Deanery Synod last night about Engaging with Faith Communities, the resource pack that is being made available to parishes by the Contextual Theology Centre.

In my talk I suggested that the presence of significant other Faith communities is now one of the major contexts in the ministry of the Church. Of the 12,226 parishes in England, more than half include a population that identifies themselves as being of another faith. In 228 parishes the ‘other faiths’ population is between 25% & 50%, in 62 parishes the ‘other faiths’ population is over 50%. As the Presence and Engagement report, from which these figures are taken, says "the wider world of other Faiths has arrived on our doorstep and Muslims, Sikhs and Hindu people are now parishioners with the happy consequence that the universal is now more than ever encompassed within the local parish."

For many of us coming to terms with such a changed landscape is a major task that requires every ounce of our faith and commitment and many of us don’t feel well-equipped or resourced for the task. Again, as Presence and Engagement says "the scarcity of long term experience in such contexts and the absence of tested models other than the standard parochial model, makes it all the more difficult to move on." Church leaders and congregations need resources that fit this changed landscape and it is this need that the Contextual Theology Centre’s pack is seeking to meet.

From the feedback we have received on its use that aim would seem to be being achieved:
  • "I wanted to say 'thank you' for today. It has given me much to think about." Revd Roy Dorey, Heythrop College
  • "I just read your "Engaging with Faith Communities". I am amazed at all the work that you put into it. It is so powerful." Beatrice Buchanan, St Margaret’s Barking
  • "The most helpful Study Day I have attended on inter Faith issues." Revd Colin Marchant, Newham Baptist minister, evaluating a study day based on the Pack
The resource pack can be downloaded free of charge by clicking here.


Check out Steve Arrington's Feel So Real.

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