Monday, 15 October 2007

All Together Now

This questionnaire comes from the resources for One World Week and is my post for Blog Action Day. This Sunday, at 6.30pm, St John's will host the annual One World Week service for the Seven Kings Fellowship of Churches.

ALL TOGETHER NOW ACTIVITY: Measure your footprint
From children through to business and government, every one of us has an impact on the world.
This impact is called a 'footprint'. The lifestyle choices we all make affect the quality of our
environment. The more resources we use and waste, the larger our footprint. A smaller footprint can make life better for everyone, everywhere. Find out how big your Footprint really is by answering the following questions:
Number of people I live with
a) more than 4 people
b) 1 - 4 people
c) by myself
House size
I live in a:
a) flat
b) semi-detached house
c) detached house
Energy source
My electricity comes from:
a) 'green' electricity or renewable sources
b) some renewable energy
c) all non-renewable sources (oil, gas)
Energy efficiency
My home is:
a) well insulated, double glazed and fitted
with energy saving devices
b) moderately insulated and part double
c) not insulated and not double glazed
Type of diet
I eat meat or fish:
a) never (vegan or vegetarian)
b) 3-4 times a week
c) at least once a day
I eat processed food:
a) never
b) sometimes
c) mainly
Food waste
On a weekly basis I:
a) compost all of my kitchen waste
b) compost some of my kitchen waste
c) Don't compost kitchen waste
Main travel mode
I travel mainly by:
a) foot/bicycle
b) public transport
c) car
Air travel
I fly, each year on average:
a) 0 hours
b) 1-10 hours
c) 10 hours +
Distance travelled
I travel each week approximately:
a) 0-50 miles
b) 50-150 miles
c) 150 miles +
Goods, services & waste
I earn:
a) less than £20,000 per year
b) £20-40,000 per year
c) more than £40,000 per year
Household waste
I produce on average each week:
a) about 1 bin bag
b) about 2 bin bags
c) about 3 bin bags
Each week I:
a) recycle all of my waste(glass, paper,
plastics, metal)
b) recycle some of my waste
c) recycle none of my waste

How big is your footprint? Count up your answers:
a) _____
b) _____
c) _____
Mostly a... Congratulations, as an individual, you are already doing your bit. To achieve a one planet lifestyle, government and business also now need to play their part.
Mostly b... If everyone lived like you we would need around three planets to sustain ourselves.
Mostly c... If everyone lived like you we would need around four or more planets to sustain ourselves
(Reproduced with permission from WWF Scotland)

Small changes you can make NOW. All together they make a BIG difference:
· change your light bulbs to low energy ones
· put on a jumper and turn the thermostat down by 1 degree
· turn off the light when you go out of a room
· turn all appliances off at the wall after use
· only boil enough water for your drink - don't fill the kettle right up
· turn off your mobile phone charger as soon as the phone is charged up
· reduce your water usage: turn off the tap when you clean your teeth; always fill the washing machine; wash the veg in a bowl of water, not under a running tap; take a shower (not a power shower, though!) rather than a bath;
· walk whenever you can (which might be more often than you have been doing!)
· find out when your buses run locally
· find out when your local farmers' market is and buy your local produce there, or discover where your nearest farm shops are - buy local!
For more ideas for individuals and families, try:
Living Lightly - a project of A Rocha UK. (site particularly aimed at Christians)
Friends of the Earth - (general application)
Or go to the: Useful LINKS section in OWW.Resources.

Check Martyn Joseph's How Did We End Up Here?

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