Monday, 24 September 2007

If relationships came first

For anyone preaching on yesterday's Gospel reading, Luke 16. 1-13, the Diocese of Chelmsford's Christians in the Workplace resource pack was invaluable. The key to unlocking the parable of the Dishonest or Shrewd Manager is to look at his work-life balance and that is what the materials on this parable in the resource consider through use of pie charts and the invitation to examine your own work-life balance.

The significant change that occurs in this manager's work-life balance is in the importance that he comes to place on relationships. In my sermon on this parable I drew people's attention to the work of The Relationships Foundation which believes that a good society is built on good relationships, from family and community to public service and business. The Foundation: studies the effect that culture, business and government have on relationships; creates new ideas for strengthening social connections; campaigns on issues where relationships are being undermined; and trains and equips people to think relationally for themselves.

Why not ask yourself what would life and society be like if relationships came first?


Check out U2's Twilight.

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