Wednesday, 12 September 2007

The Clean-Up King - Part 6

The explosives were placed in the cavity formed by the demolition ball and were held in place by the children. The detonator was pressed. Bricks flew. The blast rocked the crane throwing it down into the sea of water. A rain of rubble fell.

Then, as the smoke and dust cleared a large gap appeared in the compact, regular pattern of the city wall. Water began to heave as it moved towards the gap and then poured through tumbling outside the wall and out of the city.

Water drained through the gap keeping the level constant across the city until, finally, the storm began to end. With the ending of the storm, the sewers slowly began to reduce the water level. The gap in the wall was widened and deepened and, in time, the water cleared and the city people could begin to assess the damage.

Now they could see their foolishness and arrogance. Now they demolished the wall leaving only a final layer of rubble to remind them of what they had done.

In time this random collection of stones became covered with wild grasses, weeds and flowers. The countryside that the children had loved began to invade the city. Now, though, the city people had learn to welcome the wildness of nature. They knew little of the Clean-Up King and less of the children but they had taken the first step towards the other beautiful country.


Check out Kings X performing King.

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