Monday, 10 September 2007

Back to Church Sunday

More than 17,000 people are expected to return to church in September as Back to Church Sunday expands to take in 1,700 churches across England. With 19 dioceses taking part this year, the 1,700 churches involved is a tenfold increase on the 160 churches that took up the venture when it began, in Manchester, in 2004. On past records, participating churches welcome back an average of 10 former worshippers each, meaning that 17,000 people could come back to church in one day in September; equivalent to 1% of the total monthly attendance of the Church of England.

Recent research revealed nearly three million people would consider going to church with ‘the right invitation’. Churchgoing in the UK found that “there is a clear opportunity for churches to attract new members by tapping into the 2.9 million people (6% of UK adults) who are likely to go to church in future. The personal touch is a major trigger. A personal invite, family or a friend attending or difficult personal circumstances, are most likely to encourage people into church”.

The Bishop of Manchester said: “Inviting people into church is as important as taking the Gospel out to them. With three million ready to consider a personal invitation, the growth of Back to Church Sunday could prove one of the most effective aspects of the Church’s witness.”

At St John's we are inviting people to come Back to Church for our 10.00am service on Sunday 30th September.


Check out Moby's Natural Blues.

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