Saturday, 11 August 2007

Presence & Engagement Network

The Presence & Engagement Network is hosted by the Contextual Theology Centre for the Anglican Dioceses of Chelmsford, London, Rochester and Southwark with ecumenical partners.

This is a new group, created in response to the recent report on the church's task in a multi Faith society. The network is for all who train and equip Christians for ministry in multi Faith contexts. The aim is to publicise existing work, and ensure new developments are both well-coordinated and responsive to actual need.

The Network's forum will meet quarterly looking at hopes and plans for the future; hopefully this forum will move around areas and include local input. Funding has been obtained from the dioceses for a two year post to nurture projects, facilitate the Network's forum and develop a website on training and good practice. This funding also includes further development of the Engaging with faith communities materials as resources for parishes and congregations.

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