Sunday, 8 July 2007

New Covenant Singers

The New Covenant Singers will be singing and sharing the Word of God during the morning service on Sunday 22 July at 10 AM in St Johns Church.

In 1987, four young men got together in Chennai, India to form The New Covenant Singers, a male voice quartet. Since then for the last twenty years, the group has been singing gospel numbers to four part harmony and has performed in various churches, crusades, schools, colleges, music festivals and in Christian Institutions in many parts of the Indian Sub- Continent. The group has done three U.K tours to date singing in churches, concerts and Cathedrals from London to Dundee. In 2004 the group cut a Tamil Album called Entha Kalathilum. The group has since released their second CD in English entitled I am Hiding in His Presence.

Three of the members of this group, although they are professionally qualified, are now involved in full time Ministry. The leader of the group, Christopher, a chemical engineer by profession, has been serving the Lord as a full time evangelist for almost 13 years. He is a powerful Bible teacher who has taken the Word of God to various parts of the world.

1 comment:

  1. A good-much needed introduction to one of my favorite quartets. I have listened to their songs in 3 CD's and other youtube videos. Being a quartet man myself i adore their song selection, purely on the lines of ministry. They have a strongly gifted Bass and good tenors. kutta saheyu and kadal konthalithu are my favorite hymns by them. In fact my quartet has tried to make a cover of their songs :) God bless your ministry more and more brothers. Thanks for this blog.
