Thursday, 19 July 2007

Jesus & Peter: A study in relationships

I've had two reasons recently for thinking about the relationship between Jesus and Peter.

First, our Holiday Club at St John's (which happens next week), is based on themes from Scripture Union's Light resources which explore the reasons why Peter followed, believed in, worshipped and loved Jesus. I've been thinking that through by writing scripts for the whole group part of the Holiday Club. These are fairly surreal with Inspector and Madame Clouseau helping Peter understand his calling, Jesus' identity, the Transfiguration and his own restoration. There are lots of fish jokes along the way. You would have to be there for the nonsense to make sense!

Second, the latest issue of Engage, the Jubilee Centre newsletter, has an article about Jesus' life-changing relationship with Simon Peter. The transformation of Simon, a Galilean fisherman, to Peter, leader of a religious movement prepared to challenge and defy the Jewish and Roman authorities, is a story of enduring power and has provided hope and inspiration for Christians throughout the ages. In his article, Chris Pain, highlights Peter's calling, walking on water, denial and restoration as key moments in the relationship that caused this transformation.

The article is an extract from the latest Jubilee Centre report, Towards an Understanding of Jesus' Relationships, in which Chris Pain argues that given Jesus’ teaching about the priority of relationships, we have much to gain from studying how Jesus conducted his own relationships. The report, which is available as a free download, makes initial suggestions as to the method by which the gospel accounts can be studied so as to open up more fully their relational insights.

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