Sunday, 1 July 2007


The other day I got the latest news email from Faith Action, the best way I find for keeping up-to-date on the involvement of faith and community organisations in the delivery of public services.

FaithAction is a national network that has received government funding to be the voice of faith and community organisations delivering public services. The network seeks to bring together grassroots organisations that are delivering or seeking to deliver public services and help them access funds, deliver contracts and create more effective partnerships with government at every level.

The weekly FaithAction email includes the latest news in the faith-based, community and voluntary sector, information about the latest funding opportunities, and training, events and resources available to faith and community organisations. To sign up click here.

This week's email included information about the NCVO's recent report which argues that government policies which treat faith-based organisations as separate may be divisive. To get informed about that debate visit the NCVO's website to download the report or Executive Summary.

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