Friday, 13 July 2007

Faith IN Work

I have recently had a booklet called Faith IN Work posted on the Mission in London's Economy (MiLE) website. Faith IN Work is about taking faith to work and allowing it to make an impact there by transformations which are signs of the Kingdom of God.

Faith IN Work starts with the story of a project that took place in a Government Agency, Jobcentre Plus. This project, which I managed, involved preparing and piloting a Toolkit of information about faith communities that helped Jobcentre staff work more closely with local faith communities. The project opened up opportunities for staff belonging to faith communities to make use of their faith in their work and opportunities for faith groups to start working with Jobcentre Plus in a new way.

But that story is only the beginning of the booklet. By learning lessons from the story, the booklet explores different ways in which faith can make an impact in work. You will find ideas for a way of working that is transformative, practical suggestions for identifying areas at work where faith can be put to work to make creative changes, and biblical reasons for viewing work as a transformative activity. The movement of the booklet is outwards, like ripples from a stone thrown into water, from the initial case study through specific practical lessons to a way of transformative working and on to a set of biblical reasons for transformative working.

Work is where many of us spend 60-70% of our lives. If our faith is to affect the whole of our lives then it has to impact on the work that we do. There are many opportunities within all our workplaces for that to occur and this booklet aims to highlight where some of those opportunities are and how we can grasp them for God.

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