Wednesday, 30 January 2019

HeartEdge Mailer | January 2019

HeartEdge Mailer | January 2019

HeartEdge is an international ecumenical movement of churches and other organisations developing mission, focused on commercial activity, congregations, cultural engagement and compassion. Join us! Details here.

Each month we collect and email stories, web links, news related to our 4C focus: commercial activity, congregations, cultural engagement and compassion. Useful, inspiring, practical - it's a resource. Sign up here to make sure you don't miss one.

This month:
  • Church gardens, allotments, growing food & eating together
  • Video art, video installations & church buildings as art gallery
  • Hymns, liturgy & bible studies on migrant & refugee themes
  • Church run book clubs and poetry groups
  • Doug Gay on the lectionary, preaching and prophetic empathy 
'One of the powerful things about HeartEdge as a UK wide network, is that it stretches us beyond the locus of our churches as Churches of Wales or Ireland or Scotland or England. It moves us beyond a single denominational identity to reflect on being in a network which includes Baptists and Methodists as well as Anglicans and Presbyterians.' (Doug Gay)


Elbow - One Day Like This.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Windows on the world (431)

London, 2017


Atlas Sound - Sheila - Cemetry Gates.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

The GRA:CE Project: Growth, Relationship and Action in the Church of England

The GRA:CE Project: Growth, Relationship and Action in the Church of England was launched at Lambeth Palace this week. The Archbishop of Canterbury commented that we cannot divide social action, discipleship and the call to bring people to faith in Jesus Christ – they're all part of the Christian journey.

Theos and the Church Urban Fund are conducting a three–year research project seeking to understand the relationship between church growth, social action and discipleship within the Church of England.

“’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’” (Matthew 22.37–39)

Christians are called to love God and to love neighbour – and that is precisely what churches across the country seek to do, week in week out through:
  • serving the needs of their local communities, through projects such as foodbanks, parent–toddler groups and night shelters;
  • encouraging people on a journey of faith and deepening people’s relationships with God;
  • and helping them learn to support others in their faith.
These three elements – in modern parlance: social action, discipleship and church growth – are all key to the English church in 2018.

What is the relationship between the three, however? And what would happen to church growth if we were better able to join the dots between social action and discipleship?

Their research, which includes St Martin-in-the-Fields as one of the churches being studied, involves substantial primary qualitative research, gathering interviewees, observations and case studies from a diverse range of churches in terms of geography, churchmanship and demographics. This will be followed by a quantitative study drawing on analysis of the qualitative work, aiming to measure the extent of the relationship between social action and church growth. A series of ‘roadshows’ will be held across the country to meet people, hear stories and showcase the research. The project will also develop a set of responses and ‘how to’ documents for church leaders based on the research findings. Throughout the project, there will be regular blog posts to communicate the ongoing thinking and findings of the research.

Some of the questions the research will address are:
  • What are churches currently doing in terms of social action and discipleship?
  • Is social action a means by which people become part of the church?
  • What does this mean for church growth?
  • How does discipleship fit into strategies for church growth and social action?
  • How can we build on this to encourage churches in the future?
Keep up to date with progress on the GRA:CE project through their blogs here.


Delirious? - Love Will Find A Way.

HeartEdge Mission Model workshops

The Mission Model workshops organised by HeartEdge share a particular mission initiative as well as telling the story of how the idea for the particular initiative was developed. The next three workshops in this series are:

Inspired to Follow Workshop - Thursday 14th February, 2.00pm, St Martin-in-the-Fields

How to explore the Christian faith using a more open-ended approach? How to engage a more visually-focused culture? ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ is one resource developed by St Martin-in-the-Fields.

The discipleship course uses fine art paintings from the National Gallery, a Biblical story and a short theological reflection to help people explore the Christian faith today. Learn about the genesis of ‘Inspired to Follow’ and discuss its use with Revd Jonathan Evens, St Martin-in-the-Fields.

This is an opportunity to experience one of the sessions of ‘Inspired to Follow’ and to learn how to make the most of the resource. This has been scheduled with those planning to use the resource during Lent in mind, as we know that many of you have used the resource for Lent Courses previously.

The workshop runs from 2.00-4.30pm, in the Austen Williams Room, at St Martin’s. It will be led by Jonathan Evens, who is experienced in delivering the resource. The workshop is being offered by the HeartEdge network, and is free to HeartEdge members. If you’re not yet a member of the Network, the cost is £10 per person. We are restricted to 24 participants, so do book soon.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please register at If you have any queries please contact Jonathan Evens, who coordinates HeartEdge, at or phone 020 7766 1127.

Nazareth Community Workshop - Wednesday 27th February, 2.30pm, St Martin-in-the-Fields

The Nazareth Community was established at St Martin-in-the-Fields in March 2018, now with over fifty members, from the congregation and other churches.

The workshop will be led by Revd Richard Carter, and is an opportunity to learn about the life of the community, and to consider how it could be applied in your own contexts. The afternoon will mirror the Saturday morning sharing time, and will begin in the church.

The session will include: Welcome and introduction; Prayer & silence; Talk; Q&A; Refreshments; Small groups; and Close. There is the option to stay on for Bread for the World, at 6.30pm - a key component of the community’s worship.

Tickets are free for HeartEdge members and £10 for others. To register click here.

For more information, contact

HeartEdge Workshop: Beach Hut Advent Calendar - Tuesday 19th March

The Beach Hut Advent Calendar was created in Brighton in 2008 to encourage people to connect with the Christian roots of Advent and explore spirituality through creativity. The workshop will reveal the journey of the Beach huts and some of the stories from the last 11 years, and will consider what can be transferred to your own setting.

The scheme was initiated, devised and curated by Beyond which was born in Brighton with a mission to create arts events, which inspire people to connect with Christianity.

Since then 264 art installations have been created by beach hut owners, professional artists, schools, churches and other community groups, helping people to understand some of the themes of advent and bringing light to the darkness of the Brighton and Hove seafront every night in December. This has inspired others to create their own versions of this mission event across the UK and internationally.

The workshop will give insight into the development of the Advent Calendar and explore principles which can be applied to your own setting.

Details: Led by Revd Martin Poole, of St Luke’s Prestonville, Brighton, and Revd Jonathan Evens, of the HeartEdge network.

2-4:30pm, Tuesday 19th March 2019

Austen William Room, 6 St Martin’s Lane, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, WC2N 4JH

Tickets are free to HeartEdge members, £10 otherwise, at:


Steve Bell & Malcolm Guite - Descent.

Churches Together in Westminster report

Here's the report that I gave as Acting Chair of Churches Together in Westminster at the Annual Meeting held in Regent Hall Salvation Army last Monday:

Our year in CTiW has focused around our three areas of activity; education and getting to know one another; worship and social action.

We pursue our first aim largely through Meet The Neighbours and Join The Neighbours – inviting people to join in regular events at various churches. These have taken us to The Jesuit Church of the Immaculate Conception (Farm Street), Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family and St Martin-in-the-Fields. We have heard the history of Jesuits in both London and Britain, the History of the Ukrainian Church and Diaspora Life in the UK, and the wide history of St Martin’s, especially its model of mission to-day and the importance of the four C’s – Culture, Commerce, Charity and Congregational life. We also went to All Saints Margaret Street for Voices of Iraq: Stories of Trauma, Survival and Hope. If you would like to be part of either MTN or JTN in any way, please let us know. Rosa, our admin officer is great at passing news on among our churches both through our newsletter which she is responsible for editing and sending out, and through the database which she uses to share invitations and items of interest among churches. Rosa has prepared Newsletters – No. 11 (Report of last AGM), No. 12, No. 13 (Prisons Mission special), No. 14.

Our second aim regularly invites us to worship together, and we did this on Advent Sunday at St James Piccadilly, where Lindsey Meader led us in Advent reflections, and on Pentecost, this year here at Regent Hall where we were led by Major Richard Mingay. We also shared in the Cross on Victoria Street; a Good Friday Walk of Witness.

In October our Prisons Mission Prayer Vigil took place at Notre Dame de France and included a sequence of readings, dialogue, testimonies, reflections, music and prayer on the themes of prison reform, rehabilitation of prisoners, needs of victims and the Christian response. Speakers described experiences and observations of prisons and the prison system from several very different perspectives. There were performances of pieces by Handel and Fauré, both of whom wrote on themes of imprisonment, and ‘Voices from Prison’, a drama for three voices based on: ‘Koestler Voices: New Poetry from Prisons Volume One’. Prayers were led by The Prison's Mission Team at Notre Dame de France, Jonathan Evens, Richard Mingay and the Prison’s Mission volunteers.

Our third aim involves us in the prison ministry which we will hear about later in the meeting, and as well as the actual visiting of prisons which is great work, also in praying together in prisons week. The resources that are produced for that are significant. The 2018 Prisons Week booklet was used by scores of churches and circulated to churches of all Christian denominations, far beyond London. Many people told us that it was the best yet, so, if you haven’t used them before, can I recommend that you look out for them later in the year; prisons week is in October – and see how they might best serve you.

Additionally, this year, “First Impressions: Portraits from Prison”, an exhibition of paintings by men, women and children, curated by the Koestler Trust, was organised for St James’s Piccadilly, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church and St Martin-in-the-Fields. At each church, the exhibition was the focus for worship, lectures, debates and discussions on the subject of penal policy and the crisis in British prisons. Many visitors attended from churches in London and far beyond, including Prison Chaplaincy team members of different faiths, as well as other individuals and organisations. This was a major initiative led by the Prisons Mission. The venture involved a partnership with the host churches and the Koestler Trust, which for over fifty years has promoted the visual arts in prisons as an aid to education, recover and rehabilitation. The Prisons Mission raised over £10,000 from individual benefactors so that there would be no financial burden on either the churches or the Koestler Trust.

Our theme for the AGM usually reflects an aspect of mission and ministry in Westminster. This year we are exploring the model of mission (congregation, compassion, culture and commerce) advocated by HeartEdge, a new ecumenical movement for renewal. HeartEdge has been initiated by St Martin-in-the-Fields and churches in Westminster have been early adopters in the movement. We look forward to hearing from Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, Notre Dame de France, St Martin-in-the-Fields and St James Piccadilly about innovative mission activity in Westminster to do with the 4Cs of congregation, compassion, culture and commerce.

The exec has, as always, gone through various changes, and we have had to say goodbye to our former Chair Ruth Gouldbourne from Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, who has moved to become Minister of Grove Lane Baptist Church, Cheadle. We wish to record our thanks to Ruth for all that she did as Chair of CTiW, not only in the interesting and varied programme that she oversaw as Chair but also by responding to the need for a new constitution that she saw through to completion and which was adopted last year.

Andreea Gherman (Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church - Treasurer) and Majors Richard & Caroline Mingay (Salvation Army, Regent Hall) have all completed a full first year on the Exec and we have benefited hugely from their input. We have been very glad to welcome and co-opt Rev’d Canon Anthony Ball (Westminster Abbey), Rev’d Matthew Catterick (St Saviours Pimlico), Gillian Dare (All Saints Church, Margaret Street), Rev’d Joan Ishibashi (St James’s, Piccadilly) and Rob Thompson (Hinde Street Methodist Church) during the year. They have joined the other members of the Exec: John Plummer (St George’s Church, Hanover Square), Rev’d Dominic Robinson (The Immaculate Conception, Farm Street), Rev’d Roderick Leece (St George’s Hanover Square) and myself.

We have been ably supported, as in recent years, by Rosa Postance who, as Secretary, undertakes administration and communications including our website and Newsletter. Our thanks to everyone who has served on the Exec this year for the tremendous contribution made. In a moment we will ask the approval of the meeting for those who have been co-opted in the course of this year and will note that Andreea Gherman and John Plummer are standing down from the Exec.

Andreea’s work schedule, family and church commitments have become such that she cannot continue to volunteer the time necessary to do my job as treasurer and member of the Executive with the thoroughness she would like and she is therefore resigning effective June 1st, 2019. We are all very sorry to hear this news because of the significant contribution Andreea has made to CTiW through her helpful and constructive contributions to Exec meetings and especially for the way in which she was able to take on the Treasurer role without a handover and sort through the hiatus in order to get us back on track with up-to-date information and effective systems. We are all very grateful for this very significant piece of work as well as being appreciative both of the time that Andreea has had to commit to undertaking it and the patient and constructive way in which she have gone about it.

John Plummer brings huge energy and enthusiasm to all his commitments and undertakings combined with a very precise knowledge of the issues and tasks he addresses. All these have been abundantly evident in the time that he has spent as a CTiW Executive member. Nowhere was this more apparent than in the work he did to draft a new constitution for CTiW. We are much in John’s debt for all his input to the Executive and, in particular, for our constitution. So, as with Andreea, while we understand the reasons for his decision to stand down, it is with real regret that we lose his input at this stage. We are glad, however, that he will continue to be a force for mission, and for change in the Prison Service, through his continued leadership of CTiW’s Prison’s Mission.

To lessen the burden of monthly meetings on busy people, it was decided that the Executive will meet approximately five times a year for “themed” meetings, and that when necessary smaller “task groups” will be set up to work on specific projects as has been the case with the organisation of the prayer vigil and the AGM.

As part of the MTN at St Martin-in-the-Fields members from one denomination spoke of things they particularly appreciated about a different denomination. I spoke about the development of my faith as a child in a Baptist Church and the more recent inspiration provided by Baptist ministers through their involvement with HeartEdge. Sr Catherine Jones of Notre Dame de France had been impressed by the way in which Major Richard Mingay of the Salvation Army had led prayer for support, healing, hope and forgiveness at the Prayer Vigil. Rev’d Richard Carter, Associate Vicar at St Martin’s, spoke about his admiration for the Jesuits when working in New Guinea and a new appreciation the importance of the Sacrament during a year spent at a Roman Catholic Seminary in Melbourne. 

These personal stories and appreciations of other denominations demonstrate the value of the links, understanding, friendships and fellowship built up through the work of CTiW, which is based on, but which transcends, the educative element of our work through events such as MTN and JTN. It is real experience and encounter of each other in our similarities and differences that can lead to real appreciation for and understanding of each other. This is why worshipping and praying together, whether in Advent or at Pentecost as well as in Vigils and at MTNS or JTNs is at the heart of all we do. Our work together – getting to know and understand one another better; sharing in prayer and worship and taking on challenging social issues still matters. The Kingdom has not yet come in its fullness; we are still called to seek it, and to explore it. Thank you for being here tonight to take part in this expression, and thank you, too, to all of those who do various things during the year to keep those glimpses of the Kingdom of God coming.


Lizz Wright - I Believe, I Believe.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Windows on the world (430)

Canterbury, 2019


Mumford and Sons - Guiding Light.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Artlyst - Bill Viola And The Art Of Contemplation

In my latest feature article for Artlyst I explore the extent to which Bill Viola’s works, which can be seen at the Royal Academy from 26 January alongside drawings by Michelangelo, reveal the essentially contemplative nature of art and of the viewing of art. 

In the piece I explore Viola's use of slowness, stillness, silence and sacrament noting that prayer and meditation in religious traditions also use these same elements suggesting that there is potentially much fruitful exploration possible between the forms of contemplation found in the Arts and in religion:

'Viola has said that the form his interest in the spiritual side of things has taken has been, in a tranquil way, to merely look with great focus at the ordinary things around him that he found wondrous. His works ask us to do the same.'

My other Artlyst articles and interviews are:

Paul Weller - The Soul Searchers.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Christina Rossetti: Vision, Verse, Ecology & Faith

In an exploration of the celebrated Victorian poet's significant connection with visual art, Christina Rossetti: Vision & Verse at the Watts Gallery brings together paintings, illustrations, works on paper and photography.

Presenting portraits of the poet and highlights of the many visual images inspired by her words - alongside Rossetti's own intriguing and virtually unknown drawings - this exhibition considers Christina Rossetti's complex attitude to visual art, recognising the enduring appeal of Rossetti's verse to visual artists from the 1850s through to the present day.

Christina Rossetti (1830–1894) is among the greatest of English Victorian poets. Born in London to an intellectually minded Anglo-Italian family, Rossetti was the youngest of four supremely talented children, all of whom succeeded as artists and writers.

A precocious and deeply creative child, Rossetti had her own first book of poetry privately printed by her grandfather when she was just 16 years old. The luminous early portraits of the poet that will feature in this show, created by her Pre-Raphaelite artist-brother Dante Gabriel Rossetti, highlight the exceptionally visual and creative family environment in which she grew up. Rossetti studied art herself, attending the North London Drawing School in the early 1850s. Her own charming and rarely seen animal drawings feature in the exhibition, as does Sing-Song, her collection of nursery rhymes for children which are by turns humorous and touching.

Christina Rossetti spent her early adulthood surrounded by, and modelling for, key figures of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. She also made her own original contributions to the movement by writing poetry for their journal The Germ. Exploring the ways in which Christina and Dante Gabriel creatively collaborated, the exhibition features his illustrations for Goblin Market (1862 and 1865) and The Prince's Progress (1866).

While ostensibly reclusive, Rossetti was very well connected in the British art world, and cared deeply about how her poetry was illustrated, as it was regularly from the 1850s onwards. The exhibition includes lively illustrations to her poetry by Arthur Hughes and Frederick Sandys.

From the 1860s, paintings inspired by Rossetti's poems, such as Arthur Hughes's The Mower (1865), began to appear at London exhibitions, offering freer interpretations of Rossetti's words than were usually possible with printed illustrations. The celebrated pioneer of art photography, Julia Margaret Cameron, based her composition The Minstrel Group on a poem. Sometimes the results alarmed Rossetti, but these reinterpretations set a trend for artists to reimagine her works in pencil and paint that continues to this day.

The intensity of Rossetti's vision, her colloquial style and the lyrical quality of her verse continued to speak powerfully after the poet's death in 1894, and as this exhibition shows, Rossetti's striking imagery has continued to inspire visual artists.

This exhibition is co-curated by Dr Susan Owens, an art historian and writer, and former curator of paintings at the V&A. To coincide with the exhibition an accompanying publication, Christina Rossetti: Poetry in Art, has been released. This is the first art book to explore Rossetti's art and poetry together, including her own artworks, illustrations to her writing, and art inspired by her.

Christina Rossetti (1830–1894) is among the greatest of English Victorian poets. The intensity of her vision, her colloquial style, and the lyrical quality of her verse still speak powerfully to us today, while her striking imagery has always inspired artists. Rossetti lived in an exceptionally visual environment: her brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, was the leading member of the avant-garde Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and she became a favorite model for the group. She sat for the face of Christ in William Holman Hunt’s The Light of the World, while both John Everett Millais and Frederick Sandys illustrated her poetry. Later on, the pioneering photographer Julia Margaret Cameron and the great Belgian Symbolist Fernand Khnopff were inspired by Rossetti’s enigmatic verses. This engaging book explores the full artistic context of Rossetti’s life and poetry: her own complicated attitude to pictures; the many portraits of her by artists, including her brother, John Brett, and Lewis Carroll; her own intriguing and virtually unknown drawings; and the wealth of visual images inspired by her words.

Additionally, on Saturday 26 January in the Watts Gallery, Emma Mason will present her own absorbing new study of Christina Rossetti, Christina Rossetti - Poetry, Ecology, Faith, on her spiritual life and her connection with the natural world. A committed supporter of animal welfare, and a keen observer of the diversity of creation, Rossetti considered it her Christian duty to maintain it in a state of equilibrium and equality. Drawing on poetry, diaries, letters and devotional commentaries, the author offers a fresh narrative of the life and work of Rossetti in which her theology and ecology are deemed inseparable if not equivalent.


Windows on the world (429)

Soller, 2018


Friday, 11 January 2019

Perfect love drives out all fear

Here is the reflection I shared in Wednesday's Choral Eucharist at St Martin-in-the-Fields:

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love (1 John 4. 11 – 18).

The writer of the first letter of John sees no place in Christianity for fear because fear has to do with punishment and Christianity has nothing to do with punishment. Yet the idea of eternal damnation through 'the endless, bloodthirsty torment of body, mind and spirit in Hell' captured the Christian imagination over many centuries and is 'the stuff of nightmares, graveyard humour and revivalist preaching.' It is an idea wholly based on fear.

Our Vicar Sam Wells has noted two major objections to the traditional understanding of hell - the moral objection and the sovereignty problem. The existence of hell implies that God isn’t all loving, otherwise he couldn’t consign parts of his creation to eternal damnation, and that God isn’t all powerful, otherwise he’d be able to bring their torment to an end whenever he saw fit. But there is also an objection thrown up by today’s Epistle which is not primarily to do with God and is instead to do with us; that is, how genuine is our love of God if it generated primarily by fear of Hell?

The writer of the first letter of John says that love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness on the day of judgement, because as he is, so are we in this world. What removes fear and gives boldness on the day of judgement is a process of change by which Christ takes on our humanity, and in exchange gives us a share in his divinity. We become like him; as he is, so are we!

Christmas reveals the mystery of this "marvellous exchange", the Creator becomes a human being, born of the Virgin. We are made sharers in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share our humanity. Christ takes what is ours and gives us what is his. In this “wonderful exchange', Christ assumes our place and gives us his place. According to Thomas F. Torrance (possibly the most important British academic theologian of the 20th century), the “wonderful exchange” embedded in the incarnation is: “the redemptive translation of [humanity] from one state into another brought about by Christ who in his self-abnegating love took our place that we might have his place, becoming what we are that we might become what he is.”

This change is both a state of being and a daily process of renewal in Christ. The daily process of renewal is, in essence, a refining and reforming process which then leads us to a different understanding of the biblical imagery of fiery furnaces, lakes of fire and its contents of burning sulphur; all traditionally understood as forming the fear inducing fires of Hell. Sam Wells has contributed an alternative understanding based on those same texts and images, with the key being words spoken by the prophet Malachi: “Who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap; he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, until they present offerings to the Lord in righteousness”.

'Think about this picture of a refiner’s fire. Imagine that there is indeed a fire which burns, not eternally, but until the last day. And that after we die, every little piece of us that has not turned to the glory of God, every tiny part of our history or character, every word or thought or deed that shrinks from God’s grace is burned off by the refiner’s fire. And that means that when that process is finished not all of our earthly self gets to heaven. But not none of it, either, even among the worst that humanity has produced. Out of such as remains from the refiner’s fire, God remakes a heavenly body fit for worship, friendship and eating with him forever. So, Hell is not an eternal horror that abides forever as a scar on the face of God’s glory. Hell is a refiner’s fire, from which that in us that has been soaked in God’s forgiveness and transforming sanctification moves on quite rapidly, but in which that in us that has turned away from the glory of God remains being prepared to meet God for as long as it takes until the job is done.'

This is a picture of hell that stays true to the scriptural imagery, stays true to our faith in the self-giving and loving character of God, and stays true to our belief in the almightiness of God. Most importantly, it takes fear of Hell out of the equation leaving us free to do what the writer of the first letter of John wants, to love God for God’s own sake, not for fear of punishment. It leaves us able to pray:

Loving God, if I love thee for hope of heaven, then deny me heaven; if I love thee for fear of hell, then give me hell; but if I love thee for thyself alone, then give me thyself alone. Amen.


Arvo Pärt - Stabat Mater.

Monday, 7 January 2019

HeartEdge in the New Year


To be held from 6.30pm on Monday, 21 January 2019 at Salvation Army Regent Hall, 275 Oxford St, Mayfair, London W1C 2DJ.

For poster please click here Annual Meeting v2018

The main purpose of our meeting this year is to explore the model of mission (congregation, compassion, culture & commerce) advocated by HeartEdge, a new ecumenical movement for renewal. Before this, from 6.30 to 7.00pm we will present reports of CTiW activities during the past year; the Meet the Neighbours events; our Prayer Vigil; our income and expenditure; the Prisons Mission and our strengthened Executive Committee. There will also be opportunities for questions and discussion of future plans. If any votes are required, each church which is in paid up membership will be entitled to a single vote. Copies of our constitution, which is consistent with the Churches Together in England model can be found on the web-site

HeartEdge has been initiated by St Martin-in-the-Fields and churches in Westminster have been early adopters in the movement. We will hear from churches such as Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, Notre Dame de France and St James Piccadilly about the reasons why they have joined HeartEdge and of mission initiatives to do with congregation, compassion, culture and commerce. This is an opportunity to hear about innovative mission activity in Westminster and to explore the ways in which integrated approaches to mission impact communities.

'At the heart. On the edge.' - Hamilton, Wednesday 6 February 10 am - 3.30 pm

We invite you to 'At the heart. On the edge', a day hosted by Rev Joanne Hood, Minister of St John's Parish Church of Scotland, and Revd Dr Sam Wells, Vicar of St Martin-in-the- Fields, which includes theology, ideas, solutions and support for re-imagining Church. A programme has been developed jointly by St John's Church and St Martin’s.

Among those contributing are: The Very Rev Ian Barcroft, Rev Ross Blackman, Rev Liz Crumlish, Revd Jonathan Evens, Rev Dr Doug Gay,Kenneth Johnston, The Most Revd Mark Strange, Andy Turner and Rev Dr George Whyte. The event also features Rev Dr Robin Hill on ‘Sing with the Swing Band’.

The day, to be held at St John's Church on Wednesday 6 February 10 am to 3.30 pm, will introduce: HeartEdge, which is a growing ecumenical network of churches and other organisations working across the UK and overseas, initiated by St Martin-in-the-Fields. HeartEdge aims to catalyse Kingdom Communities:

For those working at the heart of commerce, culture and community
With those at the margins and on the edge
Building association, learning, development and resource.

To register for your free ticket click here.

Inspired to Follow Workshop - Thursday 14th February, 2.00pm, St Martin-in-the-Fields

How to explore the Christian faith using a more open-ended approach? How to engage a more visually-focused culture? ‘Inspired to Follow: Art and the Bible Story’ is one resource developed by St Martin-in-the-Fields.

The discipleship course uses fine art paintings from the National Gallery, a Biblical story and a short theological reflection to help people explore the Christian faith today. Learn about the genesis of ‘Inspired to Follow’ and discuss its use with Revd Jonathan Evens, St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Free to HeartEdge members, £10 for others. To register click here.

For more information contact Jonathan, Associate Vicar for Partnership Development, at

Nazareth Community Workshop - Wednesday 27th February, 2.30pm, St Martin-in-the-Fields

The Nazareth Community was established at St Martin-in-the-Fields in March 2018, now with over fifty members, from the congregation and other churches.

The workshop will be led by Revd Richard Carter, and is an opportunity to learn about the life of the community, and to consider how it could be applied in your own contexts. The afternoon will mirror the Saturday morning sharing time, and will begin in the church.

The session will include: Welcome and introduction; Prayer & silence; Talk; Q&A; Refreshments; Small groups; and Close. There is the option to stay on for Bread for the World, at 6.30pm - a key component of the community’s worship.

Tickets are free for HeartEdge members and £10 for others. To register click here.

For more information, contact


Pēteris Vasks - Lord Open Our Eyes.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Foyer Display: Michelle Fuller






A Human Being

Native to earth


#M.I.G.R.A.N.T – This label captures only a finite idea of who I know I am.

2) The ‘Hostile Environment’ – the inhumane barriers constructed to debilitate and scar individuals - blocking integration.

by Michelle Fuller

St Martin-in-the-Fields is home to several commissions and permanent installations by contemporary artists. We also have an exciting programme of temporary exhibitions, as well as a group of artists and craftspeople from our community who show artwork and organise art projects on a temporary basis. One initiative of this group is a changing display of work by group members or artists linked to the group. Each month a different artist shows examples of their work, so, if you are able, do return to see the changing display.

Michelle Fuller has been based in the UK since 2001. She is an accountant who formerly worked for the NHS for nine years. Having experienced the UK immigration ‘hostile environment’ first hand she decided to speak out about it. Since 2016 she has been a volunteer writer for the charity Migrant Voice, which encourages migrants to tell their stories and campaign for positive change. She conducts interviews and her articles continue to be published on their website.

In the summer of 2018 her two photos displayed here were part of Migrant Voice’s, ‘Changing Lenses, London Stories of Integration’ project which was exhibited at the Guardian. Michelle’s additional photos from the project can be found online here:

Migrant Voice is a migrant-led organisation supporting fellow migrants, refugees and asylum seekers regardless of status or country of origin. They develop the media skills and confidence of migrants so that they may contribute directly to the media and public debates about migration in order to counter xenophobia and increase support for the rights of migrants.


Saturday, 5 January 2019

Windows on the world (428)

Palma, 2018


Neil Young - Give Me Strength.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Artlyst - Art In Churches 2018: Spiritual Combinations Explored

In my review of 2018 for Artlyst I highlight the opportunities that the past year provided to explore:
My other Artlyst articles and interviews are: